Propilkki 0.9

/ 6 odpowiedzi

na to czeka³em, dzieki bardzo:) (2012/03/05 23:15)


O! Super! Kto¶ ju¿ gra³? Jak bêde mia³ chwile to zaraz ¶ci±gne. (2012/03/06 08:39)


Ma³y relase sorry ale t³umaczy³em translatorem.



Reforms in version 0.9

1) Two new lakes: Kuikka Strait and the Gulf of Kuopio
2) Nine new race types:
• Only a pike
• The biggest pike
• Only the pike-perch
• The biggest pike-perch
• Only cyprinids (roach, dace, bream, silver bream, Sulkava, ide, rudd, bleak, chub, asp, crucian carp, tench and roach killer)
• Only cyprinids, number of units
• The biggest roach fish
• The three largest fish total weight
• The five largest fish total weight
3) 20 the new haalarinväriä: 7 and 13 of the normal color of Team
4) for online game debate is a scroll bar
5) At a resolution to change the settings during the game
6) The display resolution of HD input (1920x1080)
7) windowed to full screen mode without changing the screen mode (F11 key on / off)
8) for online game admins can move players in and out of (/ and in / out commands)
9) / and the lake / game commands are added. Autohostissa online game admins can choose from the lake and the type of race
10) for online play added to the command / autohost on / off, which admins can autohostin on and off
11) for online play added to the command / autoscript on / off. The function to perform, "autoscript.txt" file for the desired commands to the end of the race. Together / lake and / game commands with it would be for the pre-selected lake listings making autohosteihin
12) of fish intake in connection with the message, if placed in the Lake Record Fish Program as well as investment
13) Record of fishes is stored in the data used vavasta
14) of all time is shown on the fish was caught in a place. NOTE! Version 0.9 of pre-versions of online games played with the fish do not have location information. If you want location information to all records, you will need to be emptied by removing the records to "".
15) You can see all the players choose to fish the entire received sequence
16) The results and new records are pikakuvakenuolet (as well as PageUp and PageDown keys), you need to get straight to the next person or to record
17) Player names are displayed on the ice a larger version
18) Single-player tournament will have a direct link to the settings (suggestion of equipment for the exchange)
19) Talk-log file (chatlog.txt) was added to our messages, the date and time. The race at the start of the log has been added to the data from the lake and the type of race
20) RecMerger-update tool (rod inserted new records)
21) The supported display modes identification is corrected, if you have more than one display
22) A number of smaller improvements and fixes.

(2012/03/06 08:57)


Ma³y relase sorry ale t³umaczy³em translatorem.



Reforms in version 0.9

1) Two new lakes: Kuikka Strait and the Gulf of Kuopio
2) Nine new race types:
• Only a pike
• The biggest pike
• Only the pike-perch
• The biggest pike-perch
• Only cyprinids (roach, dace, bream, silver bream, Sulkava, ide, rudd, bleak, chub, asp, crucian carp, tench and roach killer)
• Only cyprinids, number of units
• The biggest roach fish
• The three largest fish total weight
• The five largest fish total weight
3) 20 the new haalarinväriä: 7 and 13 of the normal color of Team
4) for online game debate is a scroll bar
5) At a resolution to change the settings during the game
6) The display resolution of HD input (1920x1080)
7) windowed to full screen mode without changing the screen mode (F11 key on / off)
8) for online game admins can move players in and out of (/ and in / out commands)
9) / and the lake / game commands are added. Autohostissa online game admins can choose from the lake and the type of race
10) for online play added to the command / autohost on / off, which admins can autohostin on and off
11) for online play added to the command / autoscript on / off. The function to perform, "autoscript.txt" file for the desired commands to the end of the race. Together / lake and / game commands with it would be for the pre-selected lake listings making autohosteihin
12) of fish intake in connection with the message, if placed in the Lake Record Fish Program as well as investment
13) Record of fishes is stored in the data used vavasta
14) of all time is shown on the fish was caught in a place. NOTE! Version 0.9 of pre-versions of online games played with the fish do not have location information. If you want location information to all records, you will need to be emptied by removing the records to "".
15) You can see all the players choose to fish the entire received sequence
16) The results and new records are pikakuvakenuolet (as well as PageUp and PageDown keys), you need to get straight to the next person or to record
17) Player names are displayed on the ice a larger version
18) Single-player tournament will have a direct link to the settings (suggestion of equipment for the exchange)
19) Talk-log file (chatlog.txt) was added to our messages, the date and time. The race at the start of the log has been added to the data from the lake and the type of race
20) RecMerger-update tool (rod inserted new records)
21) The supported display modes identification is corrected, if you have more than one display
22) A number of smaller improvements and fixes.

Reformy w wersji 0.9

1) Dwa nowe jeziora: Kuikka Strait i Zatokê Kuopio
2) Dziewiêæ nowych typów Rasa:
• Tylko szczupak
• Najwiêkszy szczupak
• Tylko sandacz
• Najwiêkszy sandacz
• Tylko karpiowate ust p³oæ, kleñ, leszcz, srebrny leszcz, Sulkava, ja¼, wzdrêga, ukleja, kleñ, boleñ, kara¶, lin i p³oæ zabójca)
• Tylko karpiowate, liczba jednostek
• najwiêksza ryba p³oæ
• trzy wielko¶ci masie ca³kowitej ryby
• piêæ najwiêkszych masie ca³kowitej ryby
3) 20 nowy haalarinväriä: 7 i 13 w normalnym kolorze Zespo³u
4) na debacie online gry jest pasek przewijania
5) Przy rozdzielczo¶ci, aby zmieniæ ustawienia w trakcie gry
6) rozdzielczo¶æ wy¶wietlacza wej¶cia HD (1920x1080)
7) okienkowym do trybu pe³noekranowego bez zmiany trybu ekranu (klawisz F11 w³±czone / wy³±czone)
8) dla administratorów internetowych gier mog± przenie¶æ graczy i obecnie (/ i / wyj¶cie polecenia)
9) / oraz jezioro / gra polecenia s± dodawane. Autohostissa administratorzy forum gry mo¿e wybraæ od jeziora i rodzaju wy¶cigu
10) dla gry w trybie online dodawana do komend / autohost on / off, które administratorzy mog± autohostin i wy³±czanie
11) do gry online dodawane do komendy / autoscript on / off. Funkcja do wykonania, "autoscript.txt" plik do po¿±danych poleceñ do koñca wy¶cigu. Wspólnie / jezioro i / gra komendy z ni± by³oby dla wcze¶niej wybranych aukcjach jezior tworz±cych autohosteihin
12) spo¿ycia ryb w zwi±zku z komunikatem, je¶li zostanie umieszczony w programie Record Fish Lake jak równie¿ inwestycja
13) Zapis ryby przechowywane s± w danych wykorzystywanych vavasta
14) wszech czasów pojawi siê na ryby zosta³y z³owione w miejscu. UWAGA! Wersja 0.9 z wstêpnych wersji gier online rozgrywanych z ryb nie ma informacji o lokalizacji. Je¶li chcesz informacji o lokalizacji do wszystkich zapisów, musisz byæ opró¿niane poprzez usuniêcie zapisów do "".
15) mo¿na zobaczyæ wszyscy gracze zdecyduj± siê ³owiæ ca³± otrzyman± sekwencjê
16) Wyniki i nowe rekordy s± pikakuvakenuolet (jak PageUp i PageDown klawisze), musisz od razu przej¶æ do nastêpnej osoby lub nagraæ
17) Nazwy graczy s± wy¶wietlane na lodzie wersja wiêksza
18) Pojedynczy gracz turniej bêdzie mia³ bezpo¶redni link do ustawieñ (sugestia sprzêtu do wymiany)
19) Talk-log plik (chatlog.txt) dodano do naszych wiadomo¶ci, datê i godzinê. Wy¶cig na pocz±tku dziennika zosta³ dodany do danych od jeziora i rodzaju wy¶cigu
20) RecMerger-update narzêdzie (Rod wstawione nowe rekordy)
21) wspiera identyfikacjê trybów wy¶wietlania zostanie rozwi±zany, je¶li masz wiêcej ni¿ jeden ekran
22) liczba mniejszych ulepszeñ i poprawek.
(2012/03/14 20:44)


Google translator :) przecie¿ nie u t³umacza przysiêg³ego ;) (2012/03/15 00:51)

czarek 58

Ale jednej rzeczy finowie nie napisali, ¿e wiêcej jest teraz fga ni¿ poprzednio, to nie tylko moja uwaga ale wiêkszo¶ci zawodników graj±cych turnieje, a wieczorami  gramy na 4 hostach, ale ogólnie gra jest super zrobiona. (2012/03/15 17:18)